LUIGI'S MANSION: DARK MOON Company: Nintendo Release: March 24, 2013 ESRB: E (Crude Humor, Mild Cartoon Violence) April 17, 2013 Well, it's been a dozen years since Luigi's Mansion was a launch title for the Gamecube. (Remember the Gamecube? Remember how pissed off we were about not getting a Mario title at launch, and instead getting a game about Luigi and ghosts? We were like "What is this?!") So, why did Nintendo even bother about making a SEQUEL to it? And why is it called Dark Moon here and 2 everywhere else? Now THAT'S eerie. SUCKY GAME. This game sucks. Well, in it, you suck. Luigi sucks up ghosts with the vacuum cleaner called the Poltergust 5000. After a seemingly endless intro movie, we get cracking. MISSION 1 In the first level, Luigi needs to find a key to get into the first mansion. As it turns out, there is a mouse scampering the yard with the key to get inside. Shades of Mario chasing a rabbit in Super Mario 64 ensue. Once Luigi catches the rabbit, the fun begins. Going into the mansion, go in the left room. The Poltergust 5000 is hidden inside the car. Press X when it tells you to in near the old car. Once you get the Poltergust 5000, get familiarized with how it moves. You'll really be needing these skills near the end of this mission. So, go back into the Entrance. Suck up the rug that looks like a door. Then you can get access to the Mud Room. The key here is above, so use the Poltergust 5000 to get the key. Now you can enter the middle door in the Entrance room. Be careful, as there are some ways to kill Luigi here, so press B to run past all the suits of armor and their pointy lances. They hurt Luigi. So, when that's all said and done, you discover a new part of the house. Go up the stairs and go to the dead end of the balcony. To your right, aim your Poltergust and start sucking to turn the turny thing so it goes down to the floor. Rush down and get the green thing. Yay! You got it! Now you can enter that door. In the room, there is a toilet. Sit on the toilet and you'll be transported to another bathroom. But this one has your first ghost! Suck up the shower curtain and you'll expose him taking a shower! Then use your high beam thingy and suck him up! Go back into the lobby, and you'll discover that four ghosts have appeared! Suck all them up! But be careful, these ghosts can attack Luigi by their mean punches! Dodge the punches, suck the ghosts up. And after all that, only then you can save your progress! SO WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? Here are my ratings for Dark Moon. Graphics/sound - 8 : the game is very pretty. And scary. You need good graphics in a game like this. This game delivers. Game play - 7 : The calls from E. Gadd, while helpful, can get annoying. Using the joystick to guide Luigi and with him the Poltergust 5000 can get quite some getting used to. Also, exposing the ghosts to the high beam can be quite a chore, as most of the time, they don't seem to notice it! Game Design - 8 : The game is designed well, but all the extra nooks and crannies make you wish you had a player's guide. Fun - 8 : This would make a good game to play around the Halloween season. Total - 7 : A good purchase and a good game. For fans of the original, this is a must get. Others might be skeptical, but if you like your Resident Evil-type games to have Luigi in them, this is a good one.