Here's my second project for Virtual Boy, called Insecticide. A fighting game, only using insects instead of people. Here you'll find the latest ROM image plus source code.

I am still updating the ROM.

Last update: Feb. 17, 2012 - 9:22pm Pacific
+ROM update.

Zip file with ROM and code.

About the game:

It's easy to kill a bug, but how about when you're a bug yourself? Strap yourself into a bug's shoes (wait, bugs don't wear shoes, but you know what I mean) and fight to the death. Are you strong enough to perform insecticide?

The Fighters


- Special move: the squirt of death.
- Arena: Ant hills
Gi-Ant is a wood ant, and you wood not want to make him angry, because wood ants can squirt acid onto their predators (it's true, look at Wikipedia!) Besides the squirt of death, Gi-Ant can lift 50 times his own weight, which he uses that skill when he picks you up and throws you down!


- Special move: not decided yet.
- Arena: Wind chimes
They say a moth is attracted to a flame, which is true in this moth's case, his wind chimes are right next to a porch light. This totally huge moth can surely beat you up!


- Special move: the sting of death
- Arena: Beehive
Not only do bees sting humans, they also sting other fighters. You really need to be careful dodging him when he does the sting, else it can be really painful!

Slaying Mantis

- Special move: Head chomp
- Arena: grassy knoll
You'd better pray if you go up against this mantis! His powerful head chomp devours not only his children, but you too if you get in his way!

Melee-dy Bug

- Special move: not decided yet
- Arena: leaf
This bug's no lady when it comes to fighting, he's one tough bug to go up against!


- Special move: the kick of death
- Arena: sidewalk
This millipede is ready to kill! He really packs a punch with all those feet he has! You'd better watch out and block his mighty kicks!


- Special move: not decided yet
- Arena: Kitchen table
This is one super fly! A versatile fighter, he can block with the greatest of ease, and can attack just as well!

Panzer Dragonfly

- Special move: not decided yet
- Arena: Swamp
The icky swamp is where Panzer Dragonfly makes his home, and if you're a superb fighter, your body won't get all icky!


A - Jump
B - Attack
up on the right control pad - attack with upper feet
right on the right control pad - attack to the right with midsection
left on the right control pad - attack to the left with midsection
down on the right control pad - attack with lower feet
(up and down on the right control pad will work in the direction you last pressed the left control pad with.)
Left Control Pad - move around
Start - Pause game
Select - Quit fight and return to title screen (when paused)
Right shoulder - Block
Left Shoulder - special move (with various buttons)

Easter Egg

At the warning screen, press A, B, B, A, Start, to see credits. These are partial credits since I'm not done with the game yet.